Backup And Restore Your Servers
We can’t tell you how much people in different businesses just don’t backup and restore their servers. Its shocking how many simply don’t see it as important or necessary.
But at Tetrabyte, we can tell you firsthand that if you are starting almost any business online you absolutely need to backup and restore their data. Lets be serious, virtually everything is online now (haha I enjoy a good pun!). So naturally, all of your business’ data needs to be stored not only in your computers but online as well.
Aside from being just basic good business record keeping, its absolutely essential in the event that one or all (Heaven forbid) of your business’ computers crash and lose all of their data.
That is when you start to see people super enthusiastic about backing up their serves. Because they have lost ALL of their files and data and regret the foolish decision not to back up and restore whether its daily, weekly, or monthly. This isn’t just true of businesses but also individuals.
I personally never even thought of backing up my data ever- until my computer crashed and nothing was salvageable. It was my first computer I had it for about 5 years and then gone. Everything gone because I couldn’t be bothered to learn that its possible to lose all your information.
Don’t let that be you. Insure the safety of your data and the longevity of your business by through regular back up and restore.
If you’re serious about being business savvy, call us on 0330 900 1066 to find out about our unlimited usage off-site backup service. We can securely save all your data every evening and encrypt it to current industry standards so that no matter what your data is secure.